Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week 23

It's the last week of my 5th month and things are moving along nicely. Not much to report this week except my belly is definitely growing....this week I grew 1/2" around!! Can you tell?

How baby girl is developing: She is now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango). She may be able to feel my movements now. Her skin is wrinkled and looks red due to blood vessels showing through her transparent skin. Her true skin tone will develop over the course of her first year. Blood vessels in baby's lungs are developing to prepare her for breathing, but complete lung development will take many more months. The lungs are the last organ to fully develop. She can swallow, but normally won't pass her first stool (called meconium) until after birth. Exciting stuff...keep growing baby girl!!

1 comment:

...carrie... said...

Looking great!!! :)