Wednesday, November 25, 2009

18 Months Old

Yesterday Imogen hit the 18-month milestone and today was her Well Baby visit with the doctor to make sure she's growing on track -- which she is! Here are her stats:

Weight: 23 pounds 6 ounces (36th percentile)
Length: 31 3/4 inches (38th percentile)

The doctor was very happy with her growth and overall development. She had to get two shots to finish off the series for the Pc and HiB. She was a trooper, but definitely knew what was going on as soon as the nurse swabbed her leg with alcohol. Imogen started crying at that moment and didn't stop until after the shots were over. It was so sad :-( However, she quickly forgot about the pain as we wisked her out of the office and went out for breakfast. We are not sure which vaccination we are going to start next, but talked with the doctor today about what our options are. We have decided to put Imogen on a selective and delayed vaccination schedule, which means that she won't be getting some vaccines and we'll delay others that can be given at an older age. Barring any sicknesses over the winter, we won't go back to see him for another six months -- which I am sure Imogen will smile over.

Here are a few pictures of our 18-month-old girl playing. It is getting harder by the day to capture a photo of her looking at the camera, but I will never stop trying!

Happy (Belated) Halloween & Other Stuff From October

We have been a very busy family lately and our poor blog has taken a back seat to our action packed lives. However, I am hoping to get back to normal with several posts each month of what's happening with us. For now, I wanted to take a few minutes to post some pictures that I really love from last month and Halloween. Hope you enjoy them :-)

Imogen has always loved reading books, but now she will actually sit and let you read the page before turning it! Here she is reading one of her favorite books with Daddy called "Yummy Yucky" She highly recommends it! (and so do we!)

She has mastered the art of sippy cup drinking and has a couple different ones she uses. I love this photo because it's like she is trying to chug the water! LOL She doesn't drink like this all the time, but does do it every once in a while and I always find it funny.

Imogen LOVES dogs. And while we have no plans in our future to get one, she completely enjoys playing with my parents and sisters dogs! There are plenty in our family to keep her occupied that we are not directly responsible for :-) Here she is with the queen-bee of my parents house, Tessie. In the first picture, she is hugging Tessie and the second picture, she is sitting on her -- in other words, Tessie loves her back.

A picture with Minnie to get all prepped for Halloween!

We didn't go trick-or-treating on Halloween this year because she is really too young (in our eyes) to eat candy yet. However, we did get to go to a costume Birthday party for one of her good friends, Lily! Here she is strutting her stuff in her best Minnie Mouse attire complete with ears and red sparkly shoes.

We had a great October and hope you did too!