Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fun in March

Here are a few pictures taken in March of my beautiful girls!

Imogen went to go see 'Disney Princesses on Ice' with my mom, sister and nana. She is completely obsessed with the Princesses and there is nowhere else that would have made her happier. She dressed up as her favorite Princess, Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty) and posed with Cinderella and Belle.

Here is Imogen one random morning while watching 'Beauty and the Beast'. She lined up all her animals to take in the movie with her!

Ainsley is modeling one of the rompers I knit her. I love rompers for some reason, so it made me very happy to know I could make one for her!

This last picture is one of my favorites to date of her. It was taken on March 1st when she was just 2 months old <3

Ainsley Rolls!

Ainsley began rolling about 2 weeks ago when she was only 3 1/2 months old! I thought that this was early to be rolling, so I got out Imogen's baby book to see when she rolled for the first time - 4 1/2 months! We don't know what she has in store for us, but I think Ainsley is truly trying to keep up with her older sister right now! Here is a video we took today to show our big girl rolling :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dress Shopping

My older sister is getting married soon and recently we went dress shopping to help my mom pick out something to wear. Imogen LOVED David's Bridal because she was surrounded with pretty dresses! She particularly enjoyed standing on the pedestal and twirling around! Ainsley and I sat nearby and gave our opinions :-)

Month-by-Month Photos

Ainsley at a few days old

Ainsley at one-month-old

Ainsley at two-months-old

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Newborn Photos

Two weeks ago, when Ainsley was just a week old, we had our family photographer come to our house to take her newborn photos. Once again, Sandy from Red Lotus Photography wow'ed us with her talent -- although we take full credit for the adorable model. Below are two of the session's photos, just a sneak peak! I knit the hammock in the second photo :-)

Friday, January 07, 2011

Welcome to the World

Ainsley Victoria
January 1, 2011 at 2:58pm
8 lbs 12oz
21 1/4 inches long