Thursday, January 03, 2008

Third Midwife Appointment

Today was our third appointment at the Midwife Birth Center. We got some great news confirmed from our ultrasound. The baby is developing completely normally, in fact, baby is two days ahead of her estimated due date. However, as long as it's within 10 days, they don't adjust the due date, so that's still May 26th. Baby girl's head and abdomen measured in the 25-50th percentile and the humerous and femur measured in the 50-95th percentile. The notes said that baby was moving normally and the amniotic fluid level was as it should be. One thing I learned is that the placenta is anterior, or on the front of my uterus. So, the midwife said that is why I haven't felt too many distinct kicks yet...the placenta is acting as a 'pad' that muffles any hits. Learn something new every day!

Also, my blood pressure was perfect and the baby's heartbeat was 14o. We hope to keep going at a steady pace :-)

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