Tuesday, March 24, 2009

10 Months Old

Imogen is 10 months old today! She is getting to be more and more like a big girl and less like a baby every day. In the top picture, she is pulling up on a bookshelf (typical), the middle picture is her playing on the floor at my parents house, and the bottom picture is her and my youngest brother, Joe. You can see her bottom 2 teeth if you look close!

Here are some fun facts about Imogen at 10 months:

* She has 6 teeth! (the 4 top front teeth all came through at the same time -- we noticed them on March 14th for the first time)
* She pulls up to standing like a pro and cruises ever so slowly around furniture.
* She is able to stand all by herself and balance for up to a minute before falling on her bum.
* Crawling is her favorite mode of transportation, and she is fast!
* She is a little chatterbox, talking to us or herself or the cats.
* She claps and waves to everyone.
* She loves to eat Gerber Puffs...and is slightly better at baby food, but otherwise still on breastmilk.
* She is probably close to 20 pounds and wearing 12 month clothing.

There are so many other fun things that Imogen is doing now that I cannot possibly name them all. She is such a happy little girl who enjoys smiling, laughing, playing and cuddling! We are so very blessed :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...