One little boy there, Carter, was born the month before Imogen. They were actually due at the same time, but he decided to come a little early. The pictures speak for themselves, but Imogen adored she does all kids she meets. She is so social! When we first got there, they played with a ball together. And as a side note -- Imogen was signing 'ball' over and over. She would pick up the ball, then throw it and sign/say 'ball', although her verbal version was usually 'ba'. She loved to touch him and hug him and, I think, had a really great time herself. The funny thing about the photos below is that they were not taken quickly one after the other -- they were taken at separate times; she just hugged him that much!
Our group photo we take every time we're all together! Imogen sure has grown since the first!
On the drive home, Imogen slept the entire way -- she was exhausted! I was left pondering our lives and our uncertain future at this point when, there it was. In the dark night sky, right in front of me -- a beautiful shooting star. And I have to say that I'm not sure if I've ever seen one before. I mean, I may have seen one but was never sure if it actually was a shooting star, but the one I saw last night was the real deal. It made me smile because I feel like GOD sent it just for me to see at that very moment and let me know that everything was going to be matter what happens, it will be okay. And that put my mind at peace.