Monday, May 25, 2009

A Look Back: Part III

Saturday morning was all business and no more fun in the hospital. At 9am I was told that if I hadn't made any progress by 4pm, that it would be recommended I have a c-section, which is exactly what I wanted to avoid. But, for some reason, I wasn't progressing at all. At noon, the nurse checked me and I still hadn't made any change from the day before. I was so upset! As I layed in bed crying and trying to talk through my options with Chris, my mom and dad, the most unexpected thing happened -- Imogen broke my water! It was so exciting and painful after that. But I didn't have to endure it for very long -- she was born in a hurry a mere 3 1/2 hours later!

It turns out that her head was tilted back instead of chin tucked and her left arm was up above her head and came out first (which they couldn't see on the ultrasound the day before)! I say she was a ballerina even in the womb :-) Anyway, those two things were the reason she wasn't descending and I wasn't progressing, but they were all forgotten the moment Imogen was layed on my stomach. Seeing her for the first time was the most surreal moment of my life -- one that I will never forget. My body grew and delivered a perfect little baby, and from that moment on, I have a new respect for it and for all women who have children.

Our last picture together before Imogen was born.

This was taken while she was getting examined by the midwife. The red mark above her left eye is broken capillaries, and it's almost completely healed itself now.

A proud new father.

Happy Grandparents!

After a long day, Imogen finally settled in for a snooze....while swaddled in 3 blankets (hospital policy).

I guess that's enough reminiscing for now! It was just a very special time for us last year and as Imogen's first birthday has come and gone, I wanted to remind myself of the incredible miracle we experienced.

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